SBS (success breeds success) - translation to English
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SBS (success breeds success) - translation to English

Success (album); Success (film); Success (song)

SBS (success breeds success)      
= el éxito llama al éxito, el éxito genera éxito

Def: En bibliometría, principio utilizado para explicar el hecho de que cierto tipo acontecimientos tiendan a ocurrir siempre en el mismo contexto.
Ex: Success breeds success (SBS) principle, also called Cumulative Advantage is an important model for the explanation of the distribution of items over sources.
  • error bars]] are too small to be seen even in an enlarged image, and it is impossible to distinguish the observed data from the theoretical curve.
Succsesfully; Business success; SUCCESS; Succeed; Successful; Succeſs; Succeſsful; Success (concept)
(n.) = éxito
Ex: A producer is the person with final responsibility for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the production, and the commercial success of the film.
* achieve + success = tener éxito, obtener éxito, conseguir éxito
* artistic success = éxito artístico
* award-winning success = éxito absoluto, éxito rotundo
* be a success = tener éxito, dar resultado
* commercial success = éxito comercial
* crown with + success = colmado de éxitos, lleno de aciertos, lleno de éxitos
* encounter + problems and successes = conseguir éxitos y fracasos
* ensure + success = asegurar el éxito, garantizar el éxito
* experience + problems and successes = obtener éxitos y fracasos
* financial success = éxito comercial
* find + success = tener éxito
* flush of success = éxito repentino y total
* guarantee + success = garantizar el éxito
* key success factor = factor clave, clave del éxito
* key to success = clave del éxito
* meet + success = tener éxito
* meet with + success = tener éxito
* overnight success = éxito repentino
* pinnacle of success, the = pináculo del éxito, el; cumbre del éxito, la
* pitfalls and successes = éxitos y fracasos
* prove + a success = ser un éxito
* proven success = éxito demostrado
* prove + to be a success = resultar ser un éxito
* resounding success = éxito sonado, éxito rotundo
* roaring success = éxito contundente
* secret of/for success = secreto del éxito
* smashing success = exitazo
* spell + success = significar éxito, traer consigo éxito, traer éxito
* success breeds success (SBS) = el éxito llama al éxito, el éxito genera éxito
* successes and failures = éxitos y fracasos
* successes or failures = éxitos o fracasos
* success rate = índice de éxito, porcentaje de éxito
* success story = caso con éxito, experiencia positiva, empresa próspera, desenlace feliz
* wish + Nombre + every success = desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo
  • error bars]] are too small to be seen even in an enlarged image, and it is impossible to distinguish the observed data from the theoretical curve.
Succsesfully; Business success; SUCCESS; Succeed; Successful; Succeſs; Succeſsful; Success (concept)
tener éxito


·noun Act of succeeding; succession.
II. Success ·noun That which meets with, or one who accomplishes, favorable results, as a play or a player.
III. Success ·noun The favorable or prosperous termination of anything attempted; the attainment of a proposed object; prosperous issue.
IV. Success ·noun That which comes after; hence, consequence, issue, or result, of an endeavor or undertaking, whether good or bad; the outcome of effort.


Success (disambiguation)

Success is the achievement of a desired result.

Success may also refer to: